Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where My Story Begins...

Of course my story began at birth and I could bore you with all the details as I grew up like being a goody two-shoes in school, singing in show choir, cheerleading, and enjoying any concert I could get to. Along with those experiences, it was definitely my wonderful and loving parents and my caring friends that helped to form the woman I am today.

I'm going to start my story when my life changed in such a special way - becoming a wife and mother. I married my best friend and the love of my life on June 7, 2008. Together we have built a life and a "home sweet home". We always talked of having a family and were blessed with such a precious gift on October 13, 2009. It is true what "they" say, my buggy boy Parker changed my life for the better and I couldn't imagine that sweet and funny character not being in my life. He will be three years-old soon and I'm trying not to freak out about how fast he is growing up. (Ok, silently freaking out!) But there's BIG news! Parker's going to be a big brother!

My attempt at blogging will focus on my life story that I'm creating one day at a time through my marriage, my son, my pregnancy, and work. I'm also a cook and crafter in training, so there will definitely be some laughs as I try my hand at both. Follow my life story as it's written.


  1. Congratulations on your first blog post!! I look forward to reading. :) xoxo

  2. Yay! Looking forward to following along in the adventure and seeing that baby belly grow! :)

  3. First blog posts look great!! I also look forward to reading and keeping up! I love that more of the January 2013 mommies are creating one! I HIGHLY recommend it :))
