Thursday, August 2, 2012

We're 17 Weeks Preggo Today!

How far along: 17 Weeks

How big is baby: Baby weighs as much as a turnip and is around 5in long from head to bottom

Total weight gain: 8lbs

Sleep: Great, no complaints

What's happening with baby this week: Baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone and can move all his or her joints. Baby will start to form fat under the skin this week which is important for generating heat and maintaining a steady metabolism. Baby's movements will become stronger and more frequent. Loud noises outside the uterus may also startle Baby.

Food cravings: Nothing really. Occasionally I want something salty.

Food aversions: Coffee .... I know, no Starbucks for this Mom-to-Be. sigh.

Symptoms: Over-full feeling still but my afternoon exhaustion is waning.

Movement: Feeling Baby fluttering and moving about when I'm laying down.

Gender: Still unknown, but we find out in a few weeks!!

What I’m looking forward to: Finding out Baby's gender and hubby and Parker feeling
Baby move.

What I miss: Nothing. : )