Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week Three: Feeling like a new Me

I am kicking some major butt with my resolutions! Oh yeah, I'm giving myself a high five. :)
By changing my diet and calorie intake, sticking to my exercising and being more active I am feeling wonderful - like a new me!

My busy week and weekend has lead to my blogging being a little late. We have had family in town for vacation and for the Gasparilla day parade.

I have made two new, healthy dishes that we all LOVED! I found both of the recipes on Pinterest. Oh Pinterest, how I love thee!! ;)

Skinny Sour Cream Enchiladas:
Zucchini Pasta Lasagna:
(Minus the ricotta and Parmesan cheeses and egg for me)
Total Loss:  10lbs
Helpful, Healthy Tip:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week Two and Big truck fun

I love seeing progress! Woohoo!

In the past two weeks, I'm eating better (way better), exercising more, and feeling awesome! My apps on my phone have really been working perfectly for me. I'm able to plan out my meals and snacks so easily. I find myself choosing healthy options and cooking healthier meals. That's a bonus that my guys are eating better too.

Total lost so far .... 8lbs

We have been living in our new house for a little over a year now and there are still "incomplete" decorating spots. Ever since we took down our Christmas tree at the beginning of January, there has just been a void staring me in the face. I had some ideas as to what to put there but I also posted a picture on Facebook for any ideas. I am happy to announce that the void has been filled and I am quite pleased by the outcome.

Last night we surprised Parker with Monster Jam! We went last year so we knew he'd love it. So fun to hear and see him cheering and saying "Oh yeah!" I must admit, I was cheering along as well. :P



Well, I'm off work tomorrow and Tuesday. I'm looking forward to time with my buggy boy Monday and then having a Mommy day to do whatever Tuesday.
Let Me Inspire You:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week One is Done!

           My first week on this health journey has went well. The first two days were doozies because I found myself feeling hungry but I pushed through. I have found out that I was simply eating waaay to many calories. I've been using a few helpful apps on my iPhone.

Cal Counter - It is exactly what you'd think. I added in my current weight, my height, my measurements and my first goal. I track my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks along with my activities/workouts that I do.
Restaurants - With this app I can find the cal count for potential meals. This app helped me see just how many calories I've been eating when eating out. I mean OMG!!!

Pedometer - I can track my steps, miles and calories burned. This is perfect for my evening jogs and when out walking with the fam.

           Now, I don't think that I will be posting my starting weight just yet. ;) However, I plan to update when I weigh-in each week.

This week I have lost 5lbs! Woot!

My resolution Update:
           So far so good! [Check - Bring it on 2013 - for my 2013 Resolutions] I have selected 4 new, more healthy recipes but have yet to cook them. I plan to get all the ingredidents on our next grocery store run. We took a family walk/jog/bike ride yesterday and I jogged 3 times this week. Currently I am reading "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer. Exercising my brain muscles. ;)


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bring it on 2013!


Happy New Year to all!

              It has been awhile since I blogged, but thought with the new year upon us, what would be a better time then now to start back up again.

               It's the time of year that some people begin thinking of and setting their new year resolutions. I always think I need to set some too, but then find myself with the same resolution year after year -- "Loose weight". UGH! Yet again, here I am feeling like that could be it once again, but I need to get specific so I can be healthier and just feel all around good about me. I hope that these resolutions can create habits for me and in turn be shared habits with my three-year-old son, Parker.

1) Find a new, more healthy recipe the first and third Sunday of each month. And then COOK IT!

2) Go on a family walk/jog/bike ride each week.

3) Jog solo at least three times a week.

4) Select and READ a new book every two to three months. [I've got to exercise my brain too :)]

5) Create new resolutions as needed.

I hope that my fifth one doesn't seem like a cop out, rather an opportunity for more growth.

               In 2012, my family had to see it through a unexpected loss. Our baby girl was due to be born on or around Jan. 10th. As that day approaches, I am at peace and know that nothing can be done to change or erase our loss. I will always have my moments of remembrances and of grief, but I have found strength within me, with my family and with my friends. "All is well."

               In 2013, we hope to expand our family by one more. The road of trying to conceive is a bumpy road, or as some consider it, a roller coaster. As I seek to become healthier for myself, I also seek to become healthier for this journey and potential little bean. I have a very loving and supportive partner in this journey as well as many supportive friends near and far.

               My buggy boy, Parker, keeps me smiling and in amazement daily. He is so funny and clever. I just love seeing the world through his eyes. As he grows, I'm savoring every moment that I can. He is such a sweet boy, as I often call him. He loves to help, cook, color, read, tickle, race, act like a dinosaur, crack jokes, give kissies and huggies, play games, watch movies and TV. Right now Super Why! is his thing. I can still remember watching his first favorite movie "The Bee Movie" over and over....and over again.

Things I look forward to this year...
nurturing my connections with old and new friends
watching Parker grow into a thoughtful young boy
another Disney family vacation
swimming in our pool
getting to a healthier me
Anthony and I's fifth wedding anniversary
parade season
building positive relationships with my students
a new addition
creating new crafts
building a happy home with love
making memories
Bring it on 2013!