Thursday, May 30, 2013

RAD Rookie

If you'd have asked me 8 or so months ago if I could see myself running a 5K, I would have replied "No way!" I wasn't very physically active and I wasn't making the best choices with what I was eating. All has changed and I definitely have adopted better life/health choices. Now don't get me wrong, I don't workout or run everyday and I do indulge here and there. I never knew how much I would love to run!

This past Saturday I participated in my first ever 5K - Color Me Rad! - with some of my besties! What a blast...a colorful blast! :) I had my running buddy Janine that kept me going and motivated. We are all ready for another run. I felt as if I could take on the world after we crossed that finish line.

If you've never heard of a Color run before it is definitely an experience. Volunteers toss color bombs at you at certain spots along the run and others spray you with color. We were making it a point to not really get our faces and hair but a lot of people had it caked on and looked like blue, purple, and green alien people. :)

Myself, Janine, Jeannette, Carla and her friend Tina

Oh yeah! Color Bomb!!

We're RAD!

First 5K - DONE!! :)