Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Getting Organized

It's a Tuesday Tutorial!

Every teacher needs a great lesson plan book to help them get organized for each day. I found an awesome idea on Pinterest that I'm trying out this school year using a Five-star spiral notebook and colorful Post-its.

First decide a layout that will work best for you and each course you teach. Since this year I only have three preps, I was able to make three rows for each subject and a column for each day of the week. I simply used the Post-its to judge where my rows and columns would go and then used a PaperMate Profile 1.4 pen to make each of the dark lines. You may notice that my Thursday Post-it is smaller than the rest, this is because of the slight lack of space for a full Post-it. I decided on Thursday as my smaller Post-it because my school will be implementing an enrichment and intervention "period" on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Then I used PaperMate's Flair pens (which I LOVE!) to label each of my preps/subjects.

I find that this type of lesson plan book lends itself well to changes and allows for flexibility. If you fall behind, you just have to move the Post-it's to the desired day(s). If you change a lesson, you just switch out the Post-it with your new lesson. If a layout needs adjusting, you can change it from week to week when creating your week's lessons. I plan to take it a nine weeks at a time. I'm excited to plan now! I know, I'm a nerd. : )

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