Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week One is Done!

           My first week on this health journey has went well. The first two days were doozies because I found myself feeling hungry but I pushed through. I have found out that I was simply eating waaay to many calories. I've been using a few helpful apps on my iPhone.

Cal Counter - It is exactly what you'd think. I added in my current weight, my height, my measurements and my first goal. I track my breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks along with my activities/workouts that I do.
Restaurants - With this app I can find the cal count for potential meals. This app helped me see just how many calories I've been eating when eating out. I mean OMG!!!

Pedometer - I can track my steps, miles and calories burned. This is perfect for my evening jogs and when out walking with the fam.

           Now, I don't think that I will be posting my starting weight just yet. ;) However, I plan to update when I weigh-in each week.

This week I have lost 5lbs! Woot!

My resolution Update:
           So far so good! [Check - Bring it on 2013 - for my 2013 Resolutions] I have selected 4 new, more healthy recipes but have yet to cook them. I plan to get all the ingredidents on our next grocery store run. We took a family walk/jog/bike ride yesterday and I jogged 3 times this week. Currently I am reading "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer. Exercising my brain muscles. ;)


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